BirdWeb: Birds Connect Seattle's Guide to the Birds of Washington State
Bird of the Week
Vaux's Swift
Chaetura vauxi
Vaux's Swifts do nearly everything - except nest and roost - on the wing. These birds are insect-eaters, and adults may collect up to 5,000 insects a day to feed their nestlings. Vaux's (pronounced "voxes") Swifts roost communally by the thousand in hollow old-growth snags or chimneys. It is one of nature's spectacles to watch a massive swirling flock of swifts funnel into the narrow entrance of their nightly roost.
Birding Site of the Week
Fort Simcoe State Park
East Cascades
Fort Simcoe is an interesting place to visit -- for the birds and the history. The Garry Oaks that surround the restored buildings of the fort attract many species of birds year-round, including a large number of Lewis's Woodpeckers in winter. Check the agricultural fields on the way to Fort Simcoe (and nearby Toppenish National Wildlife Refuge) for scurrying Gray Partridges.